A flower is not beautiful until it has bloomed.

We humans are the same.

One a rose opens itself, unfurling petals for the world to see, its fragile core exposed to the wind, rain, and air of the outside world, only then can it be appreciated.

Children cannot run up to a daffodil and exclaim its beauty until it’s bloomed.

Young boys can’t pick a budding tulip for their loves. The flower must be open and bright.

Just as flowers must be vulnerable to the world to be appreciated, humans must be vulnerable.

to feel loved and understood, we must be open. We must let our hearts be vulnerable to the outside world, stand towards the sun, and welcome those who appreciate our beauty.

Yesterday I spent 7 hours or so with a girl I like.

It was a nice date.

But it really picked up about 2 or 3 hours in.